Prasad Agro Group

Cotton Seed Oil


It basically implies that removing of oil from the cotton seeds. This oil will shaped by some mechanical and substance strategies like squashing, bubbling or squeezing of seeds because of this further procedure we will extricate the cottonseed oil effectively. Prasad Group has a most recent technique, advancements and apparatuses for removing of oil from the cottonseed this is exceptionally solid and nutritious oil that we shaped this is 100% unadulterated.

Our Cotton Oil Extraction facility:

  • Has fully automatic machines with the latest technology.
  • Produces best quality cottonseed oil and cottonseed oil cake.
  • Produces cottonseed oil cake which is soft, contains no adulteration, is 100% pure.
  • Cattles eating cotton seed oil cake produce more milk and milk fat with absolutely no health issues to them.

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