Prasad Agro Group

Indian Raw Cotton


Prasad group is engaged in Manufacturing & export of Raw Cotton Bales. Our group companies Prasad Cotton Industries Pvt Ltd, Prasad Fibers Pvt Ltd, Bahubali Cottons Pvt Ltd and Prasad Commodities Pvt Ltd have Large Infrastructure and Textiles Ministry of India approved hi-tech plant set-ups for producing Cotton Bales. Company’s ginning and Pressing Units are located in Marathwada region of Maharashtra. Prasad group cultivates, exports and supplies all types Indian Raw Cottons from various cotton growing Indian states. India has the advantage of growing all species of cotton i.e. from short staple 20mm & below, medium staple (20.5 to 24.5mm), medium long (25.0 to 27.0mm), long (27.5 to 32.0mm) and extra long staple cottons (32.5mm and above). In India, the states of Maharashtra, Gujarat, Karnataka, Telangana and Madhya Pradesh are the leading cotton producing states. These states have a predominantly tropical wet and dry climate.

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